When undergoing a divorce, it can be frustrating if you feel that your divorce is taking too long. While a contested Colorado divorce takes at least 91 days, it is not uncommon for it to actually take between 6 and 18 months for the divorce to run its course.
Let's explore four reasons why your divorce might take longer than expected and discuss how to overcome these obstacles.
Conflict Between Spouses
One of the biggest things that could impact your divorce length is any conflict between you and your spouse. If disagreements arise, both parties might be hesitant to discuss contested issues and collaborate to create agreements. This can cause delays as the process is stalled while parties wait for agreement.
If you are undergoing mediation or direct negotiation, conflict can impact communication and ultimately lead you and your spouse to abandon your current efforts to create agreements. By entering the litigation phase, the couple will add additional time to their divorce process as they wait to schedule a hearing with the court and prepare for their case.
Uncertainty of What You Want
If you are unsure as to what you want, your divorce can be much slower than expected. It takes time to assess the options available and come up with a solution that works best for both spouses, which can ultimately impact the amount of time it takes to finalize your divorce. The more organized and knowledgeable you are about the situation, the faster it will go.
This is why it is vital to set expectations for how you wish your divorce process will go. By reviewing your contested issues beforehand and identifying what you wish to exit your marriage with, you can ultimately help expedite the divorce process.
Refusing To Compromise
Sometimes, you might know what you want to exit your divorce with; however, you are not willing to collaborate or compromise with your spouse. This can ultimately stall divorce negotiations, as your spouse might not wish to continue discussing contested issues if they believe you are not willing to collaborate or ultimately compromise on your arrangements.
Representing Yourself
While you do have the right to represent yourself in your legal matters, it can often cause complications or mistakes during the divorce process, ultimately prolonging your divorce. If you or your spouse chooses to represent themself in your divorce proceedings, you should expect the divorce to take additional time, even if a family law attorney is consulted for legal coaching.
What Should I Do If I Believe My Divorce Is Taking Too Long?
If you find yourself in any of these situations, it is important to consult a family law attorney. An experienced KHM Attorneys at Law lawyer can help you navigate the complexities of your divorce and take decisive action to move it forward.
If you choose to still represent yourself in your proceedings, our firm does offer legal coaching and advice to help guide you through the process. We believe in guiding our clients through their legal matters, even if they choose self-representation and to consult with attorneys as they move through the divorce process.
Partnering With You For a Successful Future
Our team at KHM Attorneys at Law can help you get your divorce back on track. Our attorneys are experienced in helping couples resolve their disagreements and reach a compromise without lengthy delays. We also provide legal coaching and advising for those who wish to represent themselves but need guidance.
Are you stuck in the divorce process? Call our office today at (719) 626-8530 to schedule a consultation with one of our team members and learn more about how we can help you get your divorce back on track. We are waiting for your call!